Sometimes I believe. Sometimes I don't! At times I'm believing when in doubt, while at others I'm doubting when in belief. Does that make me a believer or a non-believer?! When one believes, the conflict ends - that's the general notion. Believing is comfort, believing is peace - usually! And while peace or comfort is the seemingly obvious end I struggle to achieve; I realize that the doubt was the means!! Unless I doubted, I wouldn't have come to believe! Its like reaching perfection. I imagine perfection like still calm waters; I may momentarily look at in awe and wonder against a picturesque scenic backdrop, but then in a while I look away! Had that perfection not been there, had the water not been still....had there been ripples and waves that danced a mad dance while I was looking at the scenery, making patterns as it flirted with each of my glances.... holding it spell-bound.... making it difficult for me to look away.........! M...
Tid-bits. Knick-knacks. Bread crumbs - My Musings!!!!!!!!!