Err...who wants to know?!?![:O]
Okay nvm...im in the process of compiling a 100 things about me!!!!!
Please don't knock urself down reading em...its jus smethin i'm doin maybe cz im bored...and yea here s a sorta disclaimer- THEY'RE NOT REALLY MY SECRETS!!!! :| ..(They not comin out...not so soon, not jus yet, NOT REALLY!!!!! im takin ma secrets with me to ma grave :P !!!!) \m/ so yea....
- I love cats!
- I been a chai lover all this while but of late i find myself craving for coffee sometimes!!!![:O]
- i love smieleys!!!! :) and yea dats how i spell smieleys- with an extra 'e'!!!!! My fave smieley is the straight face smieley and i hate 'e's....but only in my name!!!! :|
- Did i say i love cats?[:O] If i did, id lke to add dat i love cats more than i love dogs.
- i have a terrible memory, which is further diminshing day by day!!!!!!
- i have a sweet tooth and i got it from ma mom!!!
- i love my mom! :) \m/
- I like Orkut better than Facebook...esp i louuu WORKUTTING!!!:p \m/
- The story of the 'talli'pathic pillow is TRUE! (of cors only a select ppl know about it..and for the uninitiated, its not just a legend; the 'talli'pathic pillow DOES exist!! )
- I believe in love! (yes, i have been in love- ONCE!) [:o]
- Music is GOD for me as it gets me closest to the Supreme power!!! \m/
- Of late i realised im gettn pathetic with spalleeeeeeeeengs :'( ...esp grammar and, i suck at punctuations;! !!! (dOH! thank gawd i got da spaalleeng of 'grammar' correct!! :|)
- I love the strait phace smieley on yahoo! Told u i have a bad memory...and no amount of almonds would help i believe! I LOVE ALMONDS THO!!!!! :D \m/
- I love my work but i HATE my 'boss'ni smetimes..she s the shrewdest woman i ever come across i swr...and at the same time she s one of the most sensitive and compassionate human being!!(when i dont see her as a boss!)
- i didnt know what Fort Knox was til some time back!!!! :|
- i dont quite like cooking- but i'm not sayin im a bad cook! I jus come up with weird concoctions- for e.g. strawberry oats with a dash of coffee :P \m/ OR ginger honey and tulsi flavor icecream(nah! not really made by me dOH! ) wid vodka :P OR vanilla icecream with fresh mango pulp(or aam ras as we call it) instead of choco syrup!!!!!
- My fave flavor of icecream- vanilla!!!!!! I can eat heaps of it!!!!!! \m/
- We've had about 3-4 generations of cats come and go in me home. And the mother is called Mau...... and so are the kittens!!!!! :| Yea they all are called "mau"!!!!!
- Im reading 'Alice in Wonderland and through the looking glass" these days, all over again!!!
- My handwritin matches ditto with my dad's handwriting!!!!! And the personalities match too though a little less than ditto!!!! I dont quite share a very interactive relationship with my father. I love him!!! Lots!
- I weigh 64 kilos and this is the heaviest i ve got in life!!!! (yea..i also know that aint really obese as yet) but i want to be 54 kgs!!! And while i dont quite care about that extra inch as i think my height is fine; but in order to match those 54 kilos i could've been an inch taller than i am- then i'd be 5' 4" !!!! :P Dat wud be purrrrrrfact!!!! \m/
- Did i say i love cats?!?![:O] i think i did!!!!!! dOH!!! Okay then id like to write about facebook!!!! I hate it!!!!!! :|
- i know i mentioned facebook before, it isnt a memory lapse! I do things deliberately sometimes JUS COZ I WANNA !!!
- I love pink!!!! Anything dats pink ... i also love black, white, red and blue colors!!!!
- I'm not perfect. My hair doesnt always stay in place and i spill things, stumble over and bump into furniture- ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!I'm pretty clumsy and terrible moody and temperamental!!!
- I cry at the movies!!!!! :P *yea dats a candid confession*
- Sometimes my broken heart is all over the place, and those are the days when nothn goes right!!
- My friends think im the most self-centered, selfish, self-obsessed individual they ever met...yet they say that they love me!!!! I quite fail to understand that!!!!!! Honestly!!!! :| And yea...they say im honest too! Brutally honest!!!!!
- Maybe i guess....I like bein "UNPERFECT"!!!! Perfection scares me like nothing else!!![:O]
- WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!! (to be continued...)
:P :D
- plain flakes with Coke
- flavored ones with beer
Keep writing... 'twill get ya someday
shd give de combos a try some day!!!!