'Poke'shastra!! Dt - Apr 25, 2011, 1:50 pm. This piece is dedicated to my Facebook friends, esp. my 'Poke' buddies. Here's a little tribute to this amazing feature which makes life so much easier online!!! To begin with, I would say it relieves you from saying "hi!" individually! Well, you don't always have things to talk about, right?! And even when you do have things to talk about, you don't always have the time... and when you have the time, others are busy... so there...!!! And, naturally it doesn't and cannot end at that "hi!"; people will, out of some compulsion ask you 'how s life", "how are things", "what's new" and other routine questions to which you have the same routine answers such as "all good... you tell me" or "same old... same old... wats new with u?" or some such reply!! Well, trust me, and you can quote me on this - "A 'poke' a day, keeps petty...
Tid-bits. Knick-knacks. Bread crumbs - My Musings!!!!!!!!!