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An evening of "Making Poetry" with Vinali!!

And so we wrote.....

"Making Poetry"

Diagonally aligned parallel thoughts
swifting into the by-lanes of 
imagination. Quite vivid and linearlly-challenged logic!
Quantum is my field, stretching
into infinite space -
to touch, centering 
the vast realm of 'externity'
existing in the universe inside me! 
I struggle to dissolve into "Nothingness" 
sacred space within -  

A Yard
Doesn't measure up
to the fabric of proportions
defined by this society. Yard is my
own measurement of immeasurable ideas
crossing boundaries of
Playground of emotions
resting where the heart is
And exerting when the mind is sedate
losing all measures of freedom
confined by this



Green is my color - 
Green is natural
Twisted notions of the socitey of green being money. 
I long for a world of barter!!

Randomness prevails in each cell in Me
It lives to experience
the connection of the interconnectedness 
Sweet droplets of nectar 
I wish i could fill in a jar
and keep it in my garden of senses.
The honey bees can sue me!!
A rose bud for a button
and tassles made of vines 
draped in the spring's veil!
There I present you the floral bride!!!



There was a boy from from Guwahati 
wanting to go to Glitterati 
he landed in bombay
funnier than the earlier bengal bay
ended up selling bhel at chowpatty!
Chemically treated straight hair 
is quite the "in" thing to wear 
instead why don't people just go in the sun and fry 
or a nice curly perm do they try?
or how about Dj Rizvi style - Bare!!
Wearin YELLOW pants and a PURPLE belt
Quite hep 'n' happenin' Auntyji felt
Experimenting in the land of Massa-chuts,
She was quite a thing in PINK boots
Suddenly noticing nothing a-top - Giving two hoots!!
DJ Rizvi the bald guy
Wants a DJ party on the Kanchenjungha arranged by
None other than DJ Lily
And invite all the dizzy-daisy-curly-frilly
Girls of Gilmore High!!

A very special thanks to Vinali Doshi for inviting me for this invigorating, exhilerating poetry session yesterday! I had awesome fun....... should meet to "make some more..." ;) :P

Pri! :))


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