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Showing posts from July, 2008

The trespasser..!

I was walking on an unknown road That i thought would lead me somewhere To happiness, if not anywhere else! Why did i choose to walk on it...god knows Perhaps i read somewhere- "All roads lead to heaven!" But was i in search for heaven!? I'm not so sure- And as i neared my destination, I was shaken by a voice That said,"Stop!Don't go any further!" 'She' sounded brisk and cold I think she didn't like me 'But why!?'- I wondered!! Who could she be..i thought! I turned around to see, And..there she was standing Holding his hand.. And as i heard her say"He's mine!" I felt like a Trespasser!!


Err...who wants to know?!?![:O] Okay in the process of compiling a 100 things about me!!!!! Please don't knock urself down reading em...its jus smethin i'm doin maybe cz im bored...and yea here s a sorta disclaimer- THEY'RE NOT REALLY MY SECRETS!!!! :| ..(They not comin out...not so soon, not jus yet, NOT REALLY!!!!! im takin ma secrets with me to ma grave :P !!!!) \m/ so yea.... I love cats! I been a chai lover all this while but of late i find myself craving for coffee sometimes!!!![:O] i love smieleys!!!! :) and yea dats how i spell smieleys- with an extra 'e'!!!!! My fave smieley is the straight face smieley and i hate 'e's....but only in my name!!!! :| Did i say i love cats?[:O] If i did, id lke to add dat i love cats more than i love dogs. i have a terrible memory, which is further diminshing day by day!!!!!! i have a sweet tooth and i got it from ma mom!!! i love my mom! :) \m/ I like Orkut better than Facebook...esp i louuu WORKUTTING!!!:p