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Showing posts from April, 2012

The Birth Of A Poem.... !!!

Words If suppressed Held captive  Inside the chest Turn rebellious And form verse!!!

How to give a negative F#c@!!!

Just read somewhere that Agni-V's best feature is that it can ruin 10 cities at a time @ 5000 kmph?!?! Wowww, isn't that just awesome, world-class armory?! Now India has no reason to worry abt bein left out, should WW-3 break out, eh!! Yayyyyy... we're gonn go to war!!! All those video game fantasies that little boys grew up on, in the 90s are gonna come true!!!! \m/ :D Also, the UN should immediately meet and decide which those 10 cities in the world would be.... and send there all those people with SENSITIVITY and SENSIBILITY levels below "High"! I sincerely hope and pray otherwise, but wudn't be surprised if the city I live in is selected among those ten!!! And I give a negative f*ck about it!!! *sighs* :-/ Genuinely yours, Ms. Whocares Sowhat P.S - Genuine thanks to Mr. Tumlin Fromsomewhereinthesea(Sandeep Venkataramani) for the picture, without which this post wudnt make half a sense!! :') 

You are tired (I think) .... By E.E. Cummings

“You are tired (I think) , of the always puzzle of living and doing; and so am I. Come with me, then, and we’ll leave it far and far away— only you and I, understand! You have played (I think), And broke the toys you were fondest of, And are a little tired now; Tired of things that break, and— Just tired. So am I. But I come with a dream in my eyes tonight, and knock with a rose at the hopeless gate of your heart— Open to me! For I will show you the places nobody knows, and, if you like, the perfect places of Sleep. Ah, come with me! I’ll blow you that wonderful bubble, the moon, that floats forever and a day; I’ll sing you the Hyacinth song of the probable stars; I will attempt the unstartled steppes of dream, until I find the Only Flower, Which shall keep (I think) your little heart while the moon comes out of the sea.”