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Showing posts from July, 2011


A collection of amusing facts thru history.... Source : here and there. Purpose : Just Like That! :-| To take an oath, ancient Romans put a hand on their testicles. (So, when in Rome, do what the Romans do?!? [:o] I guess NOT!! [:O]) Until President Kennedy was killed, it wasn't a federal crime to assassinate the President. (NO COMMENTS! :|) Ancient gladiators were mostly vegetarians.( Now, that's interesting! Isn't it?! :P :D) The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C. (Ewwww.... i'm sure the Egyptians believed it to be an aphrodisiac as well!!!! *Rolls eyes*) Hundreds of years ago, the Aztecs of Mexico and the people of Nicaragua believed gods lived in volcanoes. They would sacrifice beautiful young girls to these powerful gods. (Wow! And they believed their 'Gods' to be womanizers too?!?! [:o] :-/ *Losers!!*) The life expectancy in 1900 was just 47 years. (Yeah?! Well, I think life expectancy and quality somehow...

The Monsoon Ballad - 2 : Waiting for the rain....

They say he's been coming often these days and waiting outside my window for me, I've been too busy to even know if its bright or cloudy, or which part of the day it is outside!! Heard he's spread the carpet of green all over, for me to see and smile when I peep out of my window. But I've been shut away in a box with lots of staplers and letter pads for company, occasionally clicking on my mouse... Googling the weather and blue skies in 'another part of the world'... fantasizing if I could run away and live there forever! And I complain I've been a slave to this corporate weather. And all I breathe is the smell of paper.... I take detours in my mind, wonderin how it'd have been if I was a farmer on the hill side! And I could've seen him often, wearing a rainbow crown on his head....Oh I definitely think you're handsome, Rain!! And I day-dream about getting drenched in a sweet surrender, and I imagine the droplets chatter occasionally, hummi...

Monsoon Ballad - 1 : Muddy Blues!!!!!

Rain came splashin' down, And outside my window i hear it pour, Droplets dash against the window sill, Descending down the floor! The smell of the earth, So wet and muddy Fills my senses up! Rising from the ground And all over around, I watch it gallop!! My clothes are soggy wet, And so are my shoes! But the heart's dry as ever, I hate these moody blues! If rain is like music And life is a song Then i wish it rained All life long!!!! Ill sing my blues All through the night, Till the morning comes With the first ray of light!! And then in the daylight When the sun shines, I'll remember your promise - I'm yours and you're mine!!!